“Digital video has in the last decades become the
single most helpful tool for advancing teaching and
teacher education. This comprehensive and multi-
faceted book covers the power and effectiveness of
this seminal medium in an impressive way.”
Kurt Reusser, Professor emeritus, Universität
“The Visual Teacher Learning model developed by
Niels Brouwer places at the core of teachers’ work
how they bring learners to engage with the content
of learning, which entails the cognitive, emotional
and social domains. The principles of learning that
the author expects teachers to enact in their
interactions with pupils are also the principles to be
modelled by teacher educators when using the VTL
model, thus successfully bridging theory and
practice. In the numerous examples of the uses and
benefits of this approach to enhance teachers’ work
with learners, the author and his collaborators
recognise and address the demands faced by
teachers, whether novice, beginning or experienced.
This book will make a significant contribution to
developing teacher educators’ competencies for
using Visual Teacher Learning in their work.”
Carmen Montecinos, Professor of Psychology,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso